Friday 15 November 2013

Never ending of complex human nature...

Small real fact...
    When we buy a computer, Hard disc is blank but a full circuitry capable of taking all the inputs, commands and responses. Now you install the operating system and various programmes as per your requirements. It depends upon the type of inputs, that will decide the retrieval. Sometimes your inputs are corrupted, causing virtual block in retrieval. If you are not a computer expert, you think it is a complex situation but the expert calls it a VIRUS. Now take Human Nature which is nothing but the receptivity and responsiveness of the human mind. To start with it was given to us as a blank book, but whatever we learnt through the receptivity of mind through inputs decided our responses. The environment in which we grew up, the type of knowledge we received, the type of company we had, everything added to this and went on changing our so called "Human Nature". More the varied exposure, more the complexities.


The term complex because it is unpredictable. The moment we come to a conclusion with certain amount of certainty about a person after a period of interaction, a new facet is revealed perplexing us to dive for cover and looking for an answer as to how to deal with the new situation for which we were not prepared in the first place. This is because the unpredictability of the human mind. Human nature could be termed complex or simple or a balance of both. It would all depend upon how you relate to the other and how others relate to you. It would all depend upon his or her personality to a huge extent...

God made our life very very simple. But in the process of grabbing all, we human beings made it very very complex!..its also truth that due to complex nature human loses humanity as well as  moral values..

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