Monday 23 September 2013

can we tackle Hypocritical People...

we are leaving in a world  criticality of person  is measure part of thinking ... can we thinking one ,result is one..can we  tackle Hypocritical People...

One thing i have learnt, want to share with you all... In your life you will definitely meet some hypocritical people, you will surly unable to understand their actual intention, however to know their real aim behind any relationship, they have made with you,1st you have to follow some instructions, which i have practically applied n got success to know their motto, otherwise they are so strong with their motive, You can't find out their deep root intention.

 And those tips are: => When you newly interact with any person, first talk to them as they are, pick up their style, the way they are interacting with you just become like that.
=> Then try to find out their likes, dislikes. During this interaction session you will get to know about their goal and how serious they are about their objectives,to achieve their goal they can do anything for it.Yes they will tell you because they can't stop their mouth to reveal it in their first interaction. 

=> After somedays you will observe, they will try to impress you,they will become so friendly just to know and read your mentality and your weak points.Once you reveal your weak points, you will find sudden changes in their attitude.That is the sign of Hypocritical people. 
=>Then after their game will start, they compare their life with big personalities and try to make you feel inferior, and when they fail to make you feel so, then they start criticizing you, for your each small deeds.They simply try to find out mistakes, even though they are very much aware about your abilities.They make fun of you by wearing a well wisher mask. At this point of time you have to be strong and don't ever take their words or fun or criticize seriously because that is what they want,so that you will get distract. They try to influence you so badly, that will force you to go astray, BUT CHECK YOUR ACTIVITY AT THIS POINT OF TIME IMMEDIATELY,DON'T FOCUS ON THEIR WORDS!!!!!
=>Finally what they will do, if they fail to divert you, they will throw their frustration on you till you get divert. However THIS IS THE REAL TIME to avoid them.No matter how cool or peace-loving person you are, this the crucial period, you might get influenced n lose your control. So simply listen them up, but don't react, if also you react then don't act, if you love your self esteem then unknowingly you will start arguing with them but let them win the arguments, so that they will feel superior and at this point their Ego level will go up so high, they will start underestimate you.
=> Alright now you can guess what should be your next step. Yes, simply go away, but don't make them you biggest enemy, because they are like bug, you have to tackle them so carefully and tactfully you have to remove them from your life. As i said before, be like friend, here not just pretend like friend as they do, but think that they are now Ill, A sick person need some relaxation, so having a heart with full of regards and forgiveness, and with out blaming them just GO AWAY, AND LIVE A PEACEFUL LIFE!!!

(all are collected from different source...)

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